Sunday 15 September 2019

5 Things people do not know about me that are ESSENTIAL

Heloooo my Sunflowers :)

Okay so today I decided to write about something different. Something I never really write about. 

I am going to let you all into 5 things that people do not know about me that are essential.

Hopefully this will give you all a bit of insight of the type of person I am.

Here we go...

1. I’m a very quiet person.

It sounds weird because I do talk a lot.

But Im actually an introvert type of person.
I usually keep things to myself and sometimes it’s not a good thing because I don’t tell people how I feel which can be dangerous sometimes because I end up lashing out to people.

 2. I do not like to open up about my life.

It’s very difficult for me to open up to people. It takes a very very very long time for me to trust people to open up to. 
I have to really really really trust you to open up about my life and unfortunately opening up takes time. I have to see with time that I can trust you enough. 

Why ? Because I’ve really had people in my life before who I’ve trusted very very much and they betrayed my trust. Therefore for me it takes time to trust people. Trust for me is about actions. I won’t trust someone just because they say “you can trust me or I’m here for you “
I always say it’s always better to keep quiet and just show me with your actions.
They actions will determine the level of trust we will have. If I’m around a negative person ,a person who does not respect me , a person who always fights me or whatever then I DEFINITELY will not open up to a person like that.

3. I am kind of a loner

I honestly prefer being alone. I’m not the type of person who likes to hang out with a lot of people. I become claustrophobic and start getting anxiety. Because my job requires me to interact with a lot of people during the week. During the weekend I just want to rest and enjoy my alone time. If I see a friend. I will see a friend for 3-4 hours but not longer than that.Some people find that offensive but I’m really not a chatty person. I hate loud people, people who make noise they give me headaches so I would rather invest my time doing something intimate during my alone time. Perhaps, watching a movie , going to eat amazing food , going for a hike,  spending the day at a spa, doing something adventures. 

4. I am not afraid to cut people out of my life.

When I decide to cut some people or someone out of my life. I COMPLETELY CUT THEM! It’s actually quiet funny because I give people warnings like “if you continue with 1, 2 and 3 I will leave “ and I don’t think they truly believe me 😂🤣.Which is funny, But there comes a time when I am gatvol and I seriously cut them out of my life and I don’t give them a chance to come back again. Some people I don’t give warnings but I give them 2nd chances without letting them know I’m giving them another chance and if I don’t see a change, I cut them off. I guess you can say that’s the evil side of me or the bad side of me. I actually mentally cut people as well which means, in my mind I’ve completely let you go and that means I won’t even think of you. You just do not exist in my life anymore. I am not sure when did I start becoming so good at doing that but I really am not afraid to remove people out of my life, 
I guess this can be a good or a bad thing depending on how you see it.

5. I only have 5 friends.

So I keep a few people in my life for a reason. I want people who are in my life people who I will learn from, people who will push me to be a better person , people who will push me to reach for the top.I wont have people in my life who don’t add value to me. Because that is just a waste of time for me.So honestly all my friends push me so hard. All of them have done so much in their lives that push me as a person.
Honestly the best thing you can ever have around you are people with wisdom. I believe that you can’t have people around you who are not wise or who teach you how to be a better person. If have friends who are hooligans, who do stupid things, ungodly then they got to GO!!

I truly believe birds of the same feather flock together, you cannot hang out with friends that are continuously cheating on their gf's and expect yourself to not deceive your own girl at one time. Like common who are you fooling? Definitely not me. So I love to be around WISE people.

Well that’s it !! At least some of you have learned a bit about me and understand the type of person that I am. 

Let me know on my email if you have similar principles as mine or if yours are different


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