Tuesday 15 October 2019

Letting God take control

I know it is a very difficult thing in life to let God take control of your life especially when you want your life to work out a certain way.

I used to struggle with that ALOT. I used to plan a lot of things and when the plans did not work out I would feel so disappointed at myself and not realizing that God needs to take control.

It’s very true that rejection is Gods protection.
If there is something you want in life for example a specific relationship, job, bursary ,being accepted at university and it does not happen that way. Please remember that rejection does not mean it will never happen. Sometimes it just means *not now*. There could be many reasons for that. God may want you to go through a few things first before you get that, or you might not be in the correct position yet for that. So learn that it’s OKAY to be rejected, and it’s not the end of the world. 

You can still get that thing you have wanted for years, at the right time.
I remember in 2015 when I started at university , I wanted to study overseas in 2016. I went to the study abroad offices and they said to me that they do not allow psychology students to study abroad because “our curriculum is different, our health laws are different “

I was very disappointed about that. HOWEVER, I did not give up on my dream. I knew I wanted to study abroad. That has always been my dream and within a year I went back to the offices to hear if they have other options and I was told they changed the rules and psychology students were allowed to study abroad.

I was so happy and excited about that. That is proof that rejection is just Gods protection. I 100% know that was the right time for me to go there. Because when I went to Malaysia, it was a bittersweet moment because I was going through a bad breakup and I was also moving to a new country and it was a lot of sad and happy emotions at the same time. 

I can absolutely say that needed to happen because I was able to find myself again, to become a new me again, to find myself in Christ again, to go back to the things I love again, spend time by myself again without any interruptions.

So I just want to encourage everyone, I know that sometimes you could be writing a vision board and it’s already October and you have not achieved not even ONE THING from that vision board.

Trust me I know how it feels that happened to me for 2 years. But that does not mean give up, if it’s really your dream you will continue to put up the vision board year by year until you complete that vision board. 

I used to do that with my dream of studying abroad, I put my vision board year after year and dololo (nothing), but I didn’t give up.

So do not give up, God had great plans for your future, just let him in your life, tell him how you feel, tell him what you want. I promise he will make all your hearts desires come to pass. 

When I entered 2019, I made a decision that I will let God take control of my life, that does not mean not doing anything for myself. I did create a vision board for myself (I will create a post about it end of year). I created a time frame for things I wanted in my vision board however some of it did not happen at that time frame but I still did not give up. I still prayed over it and it did happen just not at the time frame I wanted.

So all will happen for you. Just give it time. God loves you, you are his precious jewel, he really has good plans for you, give it time😊

I love you all so much ,thank you for always taking tome to read my blog. I’m glad I can share my life and experiences with you all.


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