Thursday 1 September 2016

5 Golden rules on being a straight A student in university 😁

Good morning everybody 😊

So lately I've been asked a lot "Onthatile what do you do to get such good grades " and I feel like I've been answering the same question to a thousand people lol so I thought how about I do a blog post on how to be a straight A student in university 😬 So let's gets started shall we ?

1.First I think the most important thing before anything else is to set your goals!!! When you set  goals that you want to achieve with your academics then it means you have a plan to be focused on and knowing where it is you want to go. For instance on my wall I have a goal set of the marks I want to achieve for all my units. And don't just set goals that you know you will achieve no!! Set yourself goals that will challenge you. Goals where they seem so unrealistic to achieve so that they push you because you know that you will have to work very hard in order to achieve them. Even beter paste them on your wall or your mirror. Paste them in a place where you will see them everyday so that you  have a constant reminder of where you are going .

2. Create a vision board : now this is very important it goes with your goals. You know the saying what you manifest into the universe will happen?
Yes now for those that don't know what a vision board is. It's basically like a poster however the poster is made up of things you want in life. It can be short term or long term goals. For example my vision board are the things I want to achieve and receive for 2016 so I pasted things that are my dreams and goals for 2016. And like I said a goal doesn't have to be something you know will have. It's so much better to have a goal that you yourself know that you cannot make happen and it will take miracles for it to happen. And paste your vision board on your wall as well or on your flip file , a place you know that everyday you will wake up and see it.

3. Have a calendar
I would prefer you get a biiiiig calendar. And also paste it on your wall. Why? Because you can write your assignment due dates, test dates, upcoming work on your calendar then with that you are always ahead and you will never be behind. I also have a calendar on my wall and its sooooo helpful!! Because sometimes I honestly forget that I have an assignment coming up and everyday when I look at my calendar it just reminds me so it's really good.

4.Fourthly, print your unit guides ,semester guides or semester manuals and past them on your wall as well. It's soo important to know what you will be doing during your semester and how much work to put in a specific subject. For example each unit has things that weigh certain percentages let's say your first assignment weighs 15% so it is important as a student to know how much work to put in because sometimes you will put in so much of your time and energy to something that weighs 5% when instead you could have put that effort to something that weighs greater percentage.  This is very important guys and that's why sometimes people fail a lot it's because they don't realize that they are putting effort in the wrong things.

5. Last but not least is create yourself a study timetable. This is also very important. You need to be very consistent with your studies and In order to make sure of that create your own study timetable of when you get home so that you know what is it that you will be doing everyday. Plan your life!!! Planning is so important, you cannot wake up and not know what it is your doing today and just "wing" your day. No plan !! That's the only way you will do great  . Sometimes things do not go according to plan but it's good to plan otherwise you will be a lost puppy.

That's it for now, I hope my tips will help you a lot because they work for me. I got 3 distinctions last semester and all because of these 5 basic rules that I personally follow so hope it will do the same for you.

Till then stay blessed and beautifulπŸ’—

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