Tuesday 24 January 2017

Some Tuesday night motivation and inspiration

Good evening everyone 🌸☺️

How is everyone doing today ? I hope everyone is good and having a great year so far. So today I'm feeling very inspired and so I decided to write a post about books I read to Inspire and motivate me.  I did make a video about these books on my YouTube channel just click on this .

So let's get started 😊

Firstly I have aloooooot of inspirational books however I just put my top 3 books for you guys.
1. The battlefield of the mind by Joyce Meyer

I think this book is soooo important because it teaches you about how everything starts with the mind. What you say starts with what you think ,how you act stars with how you think. If you can control your mind you can become and be the best thing you ever wanted to be. You can control your day just by controlling your mind. How amazing is that ? And a lot of us don't realize that you can stop yourself from being sad or wishing you had this and that or feeling the pain or heartbreak from the past just by controlling your mind.  So I would really really recommend this book.

2. The second book is Living beyond your feelings by Joyce Meyer.

For me this book is everything because I am an emotional being, not emotional in terms of crying but emotional when it comes to the people I love and care about. This book tells you how to not be emotional or feel guilty ,how to forgive and let go,how to not be consumed with sadness. It's very important especially for us females to learn how to not let emotions consume you or control your day because I'm very guilty with that. Sometimes when I'm feeling irritated I end up letting that control my day.

3. The last book is The power of a praying women by Stormie Omartian

I believe this book is for people that are on a WHOLE different level of spirituality. If you have mastered your mind and controlled your emotions then your ready to read this book. This power is a "how to " pray as a women for relationships ,friendships ,life,career , being close to God,growing your spirituality etc. This book really helps and helps you really grow. I love it and would recommend it for all women. 

Hope you all like my books and if you have any inspirational books you want me to read please feel free to comment and tell me what you think. I am on social media you can follow me to check my latest blog posts ,video uploads and much more😊

Stay blessed and beautiful 🌸

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