Tuesday 8 January 2019

Forgiveness is stronger than hate part 1

Hello my sunflowers 🌻:) 

Today’s post is going to be a bit of a long one,but I promise it’s worth a read. So make some of your favorite tea and get your Christmas cookies (I bet you still have left overs) and sit down and have a read 

I want all of us to experience an awesome year. A year better than 2018.

And the best way to start is with forgiveness . Forgiveness is loving someone who has hurt you and not seeking ways to hurt them back or to revenge them. How powerful is that!? 

“It’s the hardest thing to give away,
And the last thing on your mind today,
it always goes to those who don’t deserve.
It’s the opposite of how you feel,
When the pain they caused is just too real,
it takes everything you have just to say the word:
Forgiveness, Forgiveness.” by Matthew West

I think if this was easy then everybody would be doing it. LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING!  Forgiveness is not for the WEAK! Only a strong person can forgive and let it go. 

Why?? Because it takes A LOT to forgive someone. It doesn’t happen overnight! It is constant practice.

A weak person will seek revenge, and do anything to hurt the person who hurt them.

Now I want to say forgiveness does not mean giving someone a chance to hurt you again. You can forgive someone and love them from a distance. Depending on what they did to you.

Let me make an example: let’s say I have a friend who goes behind my back and bad mouths me and tells people my personal secrets. It depends on you BUT if it that was me, I would let that friendship go. Let me tell you why, that person has shown you their true colors. And has a shown you their true character. So what you should do is forgive them. Release it from your heart. Let go of what they did to you. Stop speaking about it, stop telling people about it, stop thinking about it. Most importantly give it to God. 

What does letting go mean ? Letting go means no longer holding on what they did against them. And loving them. Remember love CONQUERS EVERYTHING. Loving them doesn’t mean letting them in your heart again. You can love someone from FAR!!!

The best way to love someone from far is to pray for them and bless them. Luke 6:27-28 " But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you" 

I remember I once told one of my close girlfriend who was heart broken from a previous relationship that she should pray for her ex and she was like “why should I pray for him, I don’t want God to bless him, I want God to punish him “. haha I can admit I chuckled for a second. 

And I told her as children of God we are instructed to bless those have hurt us ,God wouldn’t instruct us to do that if he didn’t know what he was doing. He knows exactly why! And he knows that it’s not easy! I mean if honestly blessing your enemies and those who have hurt you was that easy then the world wouldn’t be filled with so much violence and vengeance right ? 

Have you ever heard the saying let go and let God? So baby girl just let it go. I want you to ALL let go of whatever that has hurt you in 2018, whatever that shamed you or humiliated you. LET IT GO AND LET GOD!  

Remember the song let go from the movie frozen ? “ My power flurries through the air into the ground, My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around, And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast, I'm never going back, the past is in the past” 

You can’t expect to receive great blessings and success while you still hold on onto hurt.

That’s it for now my sunflowers 🌻 

Let me know what you think about forgiveness? How do you forgive people ? What’s your definition of letting go ? 

We will continue next week:) 

For now REMEMBER stay blessed , kind , honest and BEAUTIFUL! 

You can follow me not the following social networking sites:
Instagram: Onthatile_Sekano
Facebook: Onthatile Sekano
Snapchat: Osekano02


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