Monday 15 July 2019

Wisdom books for the month📚📚

Hello my sunflowers ðŸŒ» 

It’s time for some wisdom books to read.

If you know me you would know I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read. I absolutely believe that everyone should read at least 1 book a month. Why ? Reading brings wisdom, you learn a new vocabulary as well as gain knowledge. 

So it’s very important to open your mind. I honestly believe knowledge is power. 

So let’s get into it.

The first book that I have been looking forward to read for a while has been Crushing by TD Jakes.

I watched a YouTube video with TD Jakes and Steven Furtik ,when he was promoting his book. He was taking about the process of making wine that in order to get to that beautiful wine. You have to pick grapes from the vineyard, then to crush the grapes is a process ,then to ferment the grape is a process. 

So in human terms he meant to get to BIGGER levels in life you have to be crushed. You can not experience greatness without going through the bad process. So what I took from it the most is why be a grape when you can be wine ? Wines last for a long time,the older the wine the tastier it is. 

I found that extremely profound because we as humans hate being crushed and we do not realize that in that crushing moment we are actually being pruned to be even greater than we were before. I Love love this book

I will add the link of the video below

So I definitely recommend you to read the book. He also speaks about his experiences that he went through in life where he was crushed. 

Then my second books is by Joyce Meyer. 

If you have been following my blog for years you would know that there is NO WAY I would not include Joyce Meyer in my book collection. I mean who is Onthatile without some bit of Joyce ? haha. Although, it is a book written for woman, I would recommend that men read it as well. 

I believe everyone in life has been hurt in one way or another, therefore forgiveness is not easy at all. So it really helps on how to FORGIVE YOURSELF. A lot of people blame themselves for a lot of things they have been through in life and struggle to forgive themselves more than other people.

Which I definitely know how it feels as well. So this book is a must read. 

That's it for now. Like I always say growth is important, any little step you make to grow is better than nothing.

REMEMBER to stay blessed, beautiful,kind and honest. 

You can follow me on the following social media sites:

Facebook: Onthatile Sekano

xoxo Onthatile

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