Sunday 20 October 2019

I have been struggling! THE TRUTH

It is so easy to put a mask in life. Go on and pretend like nothing bad is happening to you.

Always showing your best self and never showing your flaws. To scared to show your fears to people. 

So I’ve been struggling with not allowing God to take control. It sounds so Ironic because last week I was speaking about letting God take control. 

I have really big dreams for myself and husband and children. 

And this year I’ve been seeing my close friends really getting that promotion that I wanted, getting that house that I wanted to buy and nothing really happening for me.

I know it sounds so selfish. Trust me I am happy for my friends, they truly deserve everything they are receiving.

But on the other hand it was like God what about me? 

What am I not doing right ? Am I not praying enough ? Am I not serving enough.

HOWEVER! I had to remind myself there is nothing I can do MORE or LESS that can make God love me more or love me less. 

So no matter how much I pray, that is not a ticket for me to be on Gods good side. Because that does not exist.

I can stay all my life and not sin and I will still not have a ticket to his good side.

Because God loves me unconditionally. It does not matter what I do.

He has perfect timing for me. I have been really struggling with that. I have been sad for a while. And I needed to take time and reflect and remember I am not serving to please God🤣.

I am serving because it is something I love.

I need to keep reminding myself that Onthatile “be still and know he is God”

He is in control. He knows when I should be getting married, having children, buying my first house, completing my doctorate, getting promoted at work.

He knows it all. And I think we as humans get irritated because we compare ourselves with other people. We forget , own race ,own lane and own pace. 

I’m sure there are people who look at me and want what I have and vice versa. 
Stop comparing yourself. Do your BEST YOU.
Sometimes you want what people have and you do not know what they had to do to get that. You see a beautiful girl on Instagram that looks like she is living the life, you do not know what she did to get that. So do not envy what you do not know. 

If you have been like me, it is okay. You are human. You not perfect. You will feel down, sad, worthless and useless. But please remember God is in control.

Isaiah 1:19 (living Bible )

“If only you will let me help you. If only you obey l, then I will make you rich “

We are nothing without God. Allow God to help you, speak to him.

If you still struggle you can connect with me and I can pray for you.

You can contact me on the following social networking sites:

Email: osekano
Instagram :Onthatile_Sekano 


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