Monday 30 January 2017

Day well spend

Hi guys 😊

As most of you know that I am INLOVE with dressesπŸ‘—!! I am a girly girl, I don't really wear pants as often. So I'm very excited to share my outfit with you all today.)

What I really love about this outfit is that it's very elegant and classy and you can wear this going shopping ,going out for dinner ,going on a date or even going out for lunch. Tell me what you think about this outfit, do you approve of it? 

Outfit details:
Dress: Forever new 
Bag: Woolworths 
Shoes : converse 

Stay blessed and beautiful 🌸

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Did someone say lasagne 😝?

Hi guys 😊

Hope everyone is going great. We almost at the end of January ,wow can you believe it. It feels like it was just New Years now now. 

Guess what today is? WEDNESDAY FAVORITES 😬😬. This is my first Wednesday favorite of 2017!😊very excited to share it with you guys. 

Today's post is going to be about one of my favorite recipes of all time! Mac cheese lasagne😬😍😍!! If your not really really in the mood of cooking and standing for a while in the kitchen this is a very easy recipe to do.

So let's get started shall we?πŸ˜€

1. Pasta 
2.olive oil 
4. Cheese
5. 3 eggs 
6. A cup of milk
7. Half a onion 
8.mince meat 

Serving : 3-4 people 
🌸Method :
Cooking the pasta 

Step 1: boil water in the kettle and then police a pot on the stove on medium. After the water is boiled ,our the water into the pot and wait for it to boil in the pot. 

Step2: once the water is boiling pour a tablespoon of olive oil and a pinch of salt in the pot then stir for 2 seconds ,once that is done put the macaroni/pasta in the pot.

Step 3: while the pasta is cooking for about 10-15 minutes ,dice the onion and then put a pan on the stove with a little bit of olive oil on medium heat. While waiting for that just keep checking on your pasta and keep stirring your pasta so that it doesn't stick on the pot.

Step 4: once the oil is hot then add the onions and fry them until brown then add the mince and fry the mince until it's brown. 

Step 5: once the pasta is ready then you can drain the water and put it on the side then you must take a small bowl then crack the 3 eggs and beat the eggs then add the milk and cheese and mix it all. 

Step 6: once that is all down then preheat your oven for 350-400 degrees then add the egg mixture into your pasta , if you see the mixture is not enough then you can add more. 

Step 7: take a casserole and add your mince then add the pasta then grate cheese πŸ§€ and add the cheese and sprinkle it then add the mince on top and add the final pasta and sprinkle the cheese on top and then take the casserole in the oven and let it cook for 40 minutes.

Then your done 😊 

If you like my post please do comment below tell me what you think and tell me what are your favorite recipes maybe I can try them out myself😊

Stay blessed and beautiful πŸ’—


Tuesday 24 January 2017

Some Tuesday night motivation and inspiration

Good evening everyone 🌸☺️

How is everyone doing today ? I hope everyone is good and having a great year so far. So today I'm feeling very inspired and so I decided to write a post about books I read to Inspire and motivate me.  I did make a video about these books on my YouTube channel just click on this .

So let's get started 😊

Firstly I have aloooooot of inspirational books however I just put my top 3 books for you guys.
1. The battlefield of the mind by Joyce Meyer

I think this book is soooo important because it teaches you about how everything starts with the mind. What you say starts with what you think ,how you act stars with how you think. If you can control your mind you can become and be the best thing you ever wanted to be. You can control your day just by controlling your mind. How amazing is that ? And a lot of us don't realize that you can stop yourself from being sad or wishing you had this and that or feeling the pain or heartbreak from the past just by controlling your mind.  So I would really really recommend this book.

2. The second book is Living beyond your feelings by Joyce Meyer.

For me this book is everything because I am an emotional being, not emotional in terms of crying but emotional when it comes to the people I love and care about. This book tells you how to not be emotional or feel guilty ,how to forgive and let go,how to not be consumed with sadness. It's very important especially for us females to learn how to not let emotions consume you or control your day because I'm very guilty with that. Sometimes when I'm feeling irritated I end up letting that control my day.

3. The last book is The power of a praying women by Stormie Omartian

I believe this book is for people that are on a WHOLE different level of spirituality. If you have mastered your mind and controlled your emotions then your ready to read this book. This power is a "how to " pray as a women for relationships ,friendships ,life,career , being close to God,growing your spirituality etc. This book really helps and helps you really grow. I love it and would recommend it for all women. 

Hope you all like my books and if you have any inspirational books you want me to read please feel free to comment and tell me what you think. I am on social media you can follow me to check my latest blog posts ,video uploads and much more😊

Stay blessed and beautiful 🌸

Monday 23 January 2017

How loving yourself is important!!!

Evening everyone 😊

"Be the change you want to see"

I know this might be a random post, However as I am growing up, I'm starting to learn a lot of things mentally and grow more mentally and I was thinking the other day how sometimes we as females are the cause of our problems. What I mean is that sometimes we expect others to make us happy or we determine how we feel in terms of the way others treat us.

I will make an example of myself, 80% of the time I would depend on my partner to make me happy so if he did not answer my calls or text messages at the time I wanted him to I would end up being very upset and it would ruin my day and this went on for so long that I didn't realize that I was not content with myself and that I needed to learn to love myself unconditionally and to be happy with myself whether people walk away from my life or not.

Even worse, I use to complain so much about things I didn't want in my life so basically sometimes I would make myself a victim and not empower myself, instead I was making myself look like a weak female and that was very unattractive. I don't think anyone would want to be around that type of person. To be honest I'm still working on it, it's not easy especially if it's been something you have been use to for a long time.

But I just want to encourage all the women out there that you NEED to love yourself, be happy with yourself, don't be that person who depends on how people treat them in order for them to be happy. Even when situations are not great still find the light in the tunnel. You will start to realize that when you depend on YOURSELF to be happy your life will be so much better and simpler. You will end up attracting positive and great people in your life. If you don't know where to start I would suggest that you change your mindset first, stop allowing yourself to think of negative thoughts or thinking of the worst thoughts ever. Be positive, speak positively all the time, go out and do things you love or enjoy, if you enjoy watching a movie then go watch a movie by yourself girl!!πŸ˜›  or take yourself out for a treat. Do what makes YOU happy and don't depend on anyone but yourselfπŸ’—πŸ˜Š.

Hope this post really helps anyone who is struggling to love themselves or to be content with themselves.this post comes from the bottom of my heart.πŸ’‹

Stay blessed and beautiful πŸ’—

Monday 2 January 2017

How I spend my New Year 2017πŸ’—

Hi guys 😊

Firstly I want to say happy new year to everyone πŸŽ‰πŸ’ƒ! Hopefully you all started your year on a good note and I just want to thank everyone who has been following and supporting my blog since it came out in 2014. It's been 3 amazing years,I really love writing and sharing all my experiences,my thoughts and life with you all. 

So I just want to know what everybody did for New Year's Eve and New Years ? I do know most of my friends went partying. Well I spend my New Year's Eve at church. I do that every year,it might sound odd for some of you but it really works because I pray for my year ,I thank God for my previous year and for keeping me this far so it's just to start my year on the right note😊

So I went to church with my mother and my little brother and church started at 10 at night and ended at 1:30 am and the next morning I had to wake up at 7 am to prepare for work 😱😭!! You can imagine how tired I was 😭. I was yawning the WHOLE time at work ,I even went to the bathroom to take a nap for like 15 minutes πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚that sounds sooooo ratchet I know but that's how tired I was.

Then after work my family and I went to spend the day in hartebeesport dam and went to this really fancy place called River Place lodge 😍!! It was really awesome it's a very beautiful place and very classy 😍!! There was a guy playing the saxophone live and the place is next to the river so you could hear the sound of the water and birds😍!! It was really beautiful. So I really started my new year on a great note. And hopefully everyone did. Good luck to you all this year and may your year be granted with success, laughter, joy ,happiness and peace πŸ’—

Stay blessed and beautiful 
Onthatile 🌸