Saturday 29 December 2018

Prayers for 2019

Hello my sunflowers 🌻:)

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and week so far.

We have 3 days left then we in 2019!! 😱Wow wow this year has gone by very very fast. 

I wanted to dedicate this post to write down some prayers for you all as you enter your 2019.

  1. I pray for every single month of 2019. That from January to December you will not lack in anything. You will experience glory to glory. Miracle  to miracle.

  1. 2019 is the year where you will reap what you have been sowing for years! It’s the year you receive even much much more than you thought.

  1. In 2019 you will know no shame! You WILL NOT have to explain failure to ANYBODY!! You WILL NOT fail in your marriage, in your career , in your finances ,your children will not fail. If you are expecting the fruit of the womb, you will not miscarry or have any complications , you will carry your baby for the full 9 months healthy. 

  1. I pray that no deaths will happen to your family members, your friends ,church , or anyone you know. 

  1. I break the cycle of any curse that has been happening in your life or family. You will not longer be part of any curse! 

  1. I pray that you will be favored in every single thing that you do. Whatever you touch will be favored , wherever you go you will be favored. 

  1. I declare and decree whatever that was not working for you or whatever was dead in your life WILL RISE UP NOW ! And come alive ! things will start working for you

  1. I pray that God will give you double for your trouble. God will vindicate you,will present a table before you in the presence of your enemies. Those that hurt you ,looked down on you ,gossiped about you will need you.

  1. I pray that you will be the head and not the tail. 

  1. You will not suffer! 2019 is the year of your overflow!!! It is the year you have been waiting for. Eyes have not seen and ears have not heard what God is about to do for you. God will crown your year with goodness. 

I pray that you all have a wonderful new year my sunflowers. Please be safe, REMEMBER do not drink and drive. Rather stay wherever you are then having to drink drunk. 

Take care of yourselves. I love you all! Thank you to everyone who has been supporting me,sending me messages and everything 😭. I really really appreciate you all. 

2019 is going to be an amazing year ! I cannot wait. 

See you all in 2019💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

Tuesday 18 December 2018

New book collection

Hello my sunflowers:)

It’s a new week. Oh my oh my we are just a WEEK away from Christmas! I am sooo excited !!! But we will get to Christmas when it comes :)

Hope you are all enjoying your holidays. It’s been a long time since I mentioned a new book collection. 

So if you have been following my blog you will know that I LOVE to READ! One of the best gifts a person can ever gift me is buying me a really really good book. I can finish an entire book within 3 hours. That's how much I love to read.  I love to read are books that speak about how to better yourself ,your mind ,expanding your knowledge and etc.

So with that being said I have 2 books that I’ve read in the last quarter of 2018 and I want to share with you all.

1. The Sacred search by Gary Thomas

The first book is a book for all singles who want to get married one day.
 NO the book is not about how to get married or how to get the ring 😂😂 hahaha lol it’s about WHY you want to get married. A lot of women want to be married and never really think about why ? And some realise that they just want to marry because they are lonely, because it’s something they are told to do. They don’t realize how important marriage it and that it has a purpose. So the book really helps you figure out your reasons for getting married. 

What I also love about the book is that it lets you think about a lot of things that people over look like choosing your partner means your choosing your child’s parent and that is a very very big deal. I don't want to have children out of wedlock and choose a bad parent for my child because in the long run it will affect my child. I want my child to experience true love from both their parents and I don't want to be the root cause of my kids acting out later in life or being involved in abusive relationships because maybe I tolerated it. So it is very important that you think about those things.

Other things to think about is money. You need to consider a partner who knows how to save money. You cannot be with someone who is constantly spending money and not saving, where will that take us in the future? 

Also the book talks about attitudes and behaviours and patterns of partners that people don’t consider, like how your partner treats other people. 

I don’t want to talk about it a lot ,but I truly do recommend you guys read it! It will change the way you enter relationships and your reasoning of being in relationships, some of you might just realise you have been tolerating nonsense and you need to leave hahaha. 

  1. Mind power by John Kehoe

This is funny because I am a psychology student and I know a lot about the mind and how powerful it is. 

This books talks about how the mind is so important especially being conscious and how what you think can lead to how you act. Even talks about how you are in control of relationships you build , businesses and how you can deal with life problems. My favorite chapter in the book is “seeing problems as opportunities “

I never ever thought about it like that ever. Imagine seeing a problem as an opportunity? That is great thinking , it will help a lot of people to stop stressing in life and being depressed. 

So I would really recommend it. At the end of the day it’s really about growing as a person and becoming a better you all the time.

That’s it for now my sunflowers :) till next time.

REMEMBER to stay blessed, kind, honest and BEAUTIFUL. 

You can follow me on the following social media networking sites:

Instagram: Onthatile_Sekano
Snapchat: osekano02
Facebook: Onthatile Sekano

You can also send me an email if you have any questions at


Wednesday 12 December 2018

Malaysian Food

Hello my sunflowers:)

Hope everyone is doing great and is having a wonderful week so far.

Guess what today is? IT'S WEDNESDAY! Which means time for some Wednesday favourites :) 

So if you follow me on social media you would know that I moved to Malaysia 5 months ago. If you are new to my blog, well now you know haha. I am in love with Malaysian cuisine. Before I moved to Malaysia I used to think that maybe I would not enjoy the food once I moved to Asia. But I was very amazed at how great the food is here. I know some dishes don't look good but it tastes AMAZING! So I'm going to post a few of my top favourite meals in Malaysia that I eat weekly because it is THAT delicious.

Let's get started shall we :)

1. Naan, Roti Cania and Tandoori chicken

Oh my goodness!!! this is my ultimate favourite thing to eat in Malaysia. The funny thing is I was very hesitant to try the Tandoori chicken because where I come from in South Africa we don't have chicken that is red lol. Also the sauces didn't look as great. HOWEVER, it is amazing. 

The first picture is Tandoori Chicken. It's only just chicken that has red colouring. 

This second picture is roti cania. I cannot explain what this tastes like haha but it does not taste like bread though. Just try it, it's real real good:)

The third picture is naan bread. I love naan more than roti mania. Why? because it is more filling and it tastes really good. The picture below is garlic naan.

2. Mutrabak 

This is mutrabak. Mutrabak is pan fried bread or pancake. What is inside is mince meat. 
You can choose to have chicken, lamb and beef to be part of the topping inside. 
I loved this much more than naan

3. Fried Noodles 

This is another Malaysian cuisine. Malaysians love noodles!There are a lot of different meals they make out of noodles, and this picture below is one of my favourite. Inside the noodles is prawns and some jalapeño. Another thing Malaysians love is spicy food and as you can see this is quite spicy but is amazing as well.

This is another dish that has noodles. ONE thing that is part of Malaysian culture is egg. Malaysians put egg on every single dish. At first I used to think that it is quite boring and annoying  but as time went by, I truly enjoyed it, IT IS AMAZING! Inside this meal is fried chicken, noodles and an egg. 

4.Rice and egg

Another Malaysian dish is rice. Almost every Malaysian dish has rice, the same way it has eggs on it. The picture below is mushroom soup with rice and egg.

This dish also had rice, egg , potatoes and some chicken. THIS WAS AMAZING!!

5.  Awwwww one of my ultimately favourite meals!! I don't know the name of this haha but I do know that it is chicken, with cheese  sauce , rice and some vegatbles. The chicken in there was amazing!! You guys have to try this out. You can get this by rock cafe in Sunway, Selganor. 

This is the same dish but what is different is that the chicken is fried here and had mushroom sauce and not cheese sauce. Tastes really good as well but I prefer the one above. 

6.  Black burger

Have you ever seen a black burger? I was so terrified when I saw this for the first time, because why would anyone want to eat a burger that is burned ? or looks burned ? hahaha but it is really amazing. By the way, the burger buns have food colouring that is why they are black. It tastes really amazing!

7. Last but not least! squid!! This is one of my top 3 favourite food to eat. This is squid (for anyone that does not know what squid is, it is seafood), it has some cheese on it, egg, rice and of course vegetables. This is a definitely a must try. You can also get this at rock cafe. 

Well that is it for now my sunflowers:) Malaysia has a lot more of food you can try. If you live in Malaysia or you have been there before, tell me what are some of your favourite foods to eat, maybe I can try them as well. 

REMEMBER to stay blessed, kind, honest and BEAUTIFUL. 

You can follow me on the following social media networking sites:

Instagram: Onthatile_Sekano
Snapchat: osekano02
Facebook: Onthatile Sekano

You can also send me an email if you have any questions at


Wednesday 5 December 2018

Attraction places to visit for free in Malaysia

Helloooo  my sunflowers :)

I have been getting a lot of requests from people on social media asking me about free attraction places to visit in Malaysia. So I decided to create a post of beautiful places to visit in Malaysia and with free entrance. 

1. Batu Caves

 You cannot come to Malaysia and not visit Batu Caves!! Batu Caves is an iconic Hundu and Shrine temple. This cave has 272 steps to climb to view the skyline of the city centre. Another special thing with Batu caves is the monkeys. There are monkeys EVERYWHERE!! Be careful because they will snatch your food and water bottles haha. But besides that, they are very nice and entertaining

 But if you want to get a picture by yourself on the stairs you have to be there VERY EARLY at 7am because tourists arrive around 8:00/8:30 am and it tends to get very full. Also bring a sun hat because Malaysia is very hot and you can sweat a lot especially around lunch time.

It’s very easy to get there as well. If you are coming from Sunway, Selagnor you can take the BRT from Monash and get off by USJ 7 and then go to KL central and then from KL central you get off and take a KTM to Batu caves. Or if you are coming from other cities you can just a train to KL central and then from there. Or you can take a grab or taxi but it will be more expensive. So the cheapest way is using a train. 

2. The second most attraction is the iconic Petronas twin towers. 

The twin towers is 451. 9 meters and a 88 storey twin structure. The twin towers are one of the tallest buildings in Malayisia and were build in 1994. What is so special about these towers you might ask? Well the twin towers is named after Malsysia’s national petroleum corporation. Petronas is now known Internationally as an oil and gas company being in business with 35 countries. 

Now we are done with the boring logistics lol lets get to the beauty of the twin towers:) since the buildings are sooo tall it is very difficult to take a picture of yourself showing both the twin towers. HOWEVER THERE IS A TRICK!! So when you get to the twin towers a few men will want to sell you a camera lens that will show you and towers in the picture BUT you don’t have to buy that. What you can do is take a picture by the KL park, by the bridge and stand the middle of the bridge and a friend/ spouse can take a picture of you there :) Just like my picture below. 

3. China town and central market 

Central market is a centre where Malaysian culture and art is located. The central market was build in 1888 especially for tourists and shoppers. 

One of my favourite things to eat from central market is the picture below, this is called Putu Bambu. So this is made by rice flour and coloured green extract as well as sugar and the white stuff is grated coconut. This is desert is AMAZING!! you should really try it. 

This picture below is the entrance of Chinatown. Chinatown is a place that sells all Malaysian souvenirs, latest trends and Malaysian food. You have not experienced Malaysian culture if you have not been to China town

This picture below is the food area where you can eat at China Town. 

And that is it my sunflowers:). Please bear in mind that what I have listed above are NOT the only places you can visit in Malaysia that is free, there are many more places to visit, I just decided to put my top 3. But if you do want to visit more attraction places you can go on google and you will find A LOT of stuff you can do. Hope you all have an amazing week ahead and remember stay kind and honest. Love you all


Monday 3 December 2018

My Thailand Vacation

Hello my sunflowers :)

If you follow me on social ,media you will know that in September I went on a vacation to Thailand. I went with my friends. We had the best TRIP EVER! It was so much fun, I really recommend everyone to go to Thailand. We went to Phuket, this is where big things are popping hahahah. My friends and I stayed by this beautiful hotel called Mirage hotel.

             This is our beautiful hotel:)

I would recommend that if you come to Phuket to make it a girls trip, boys trip or baecation. IT IS NOT SUITABLE FOR A FAMILY TRIP lol.  One thing I loved about Thailand is that is it very open and exotic compared to where I live which is in Malaysia. I will let you all in about how Malaysia is in upcoming posts.

However the one thing about Thailand is that your are restricted in many ways when it comes to food. The food there is not that excellent compared to Malaysia. But the Mcdonald's there is AMAZING! you guys should definitely try it. But there are some pretty amazing restaurants too that have good food but for ME it wasn't the great. You see I said for ME, lol maybe for SOMEONE else it could be great. Besides the food, the people there are very nice and getting around is very easy, you can take a bus from city to city, it's just that you have to pay for it.

This is another way of transportation. This is called a tuk tuk. It is actually very cool inside

This was fried rice with prawns, cashew nuts and other type of nuts in a pineapple. You get this meal by Juncelyon Mall in Patong.

                        This was pasta with prawns and muscles and two slices of garlic bread


This is fried rice with prawns and chicken Kebab

MY FAVOURITE!! PIZZA!! This pizza has two different types of flavours. The brown stuff is actually mince meat. It is amazing!! and the other side I don't remember what it was.

This was very different for me, it was a mince dog. So it is a hotdog with a sausage (in South Africa we call it a Vienna) and spicy mince meat.

Another thing about Thailand is that, they have SOOOO MANY beaches and private islands. Wow I was very shocked. And the beaches have clear waters and so beautiful. I wish I could have explored a bit more of the islands as well.

Okay let's get into my trip at Phuket, here are my top 3 places you should visit.

1. Bangla Road

You cannot come to Phuket and not go to Bangla road!! For those that do not know what Bangla road is lol it is almost like small street in Cape Town but on steroids lol. It has nightclubs everywhere, exotic dancers, drinking, music and music and more music. You just have to experience it, it is a good experience. But beware when you get to Bangla Road you will get a lot of men advertising sex shows to you. Hahaha people are very open in Thailand about sex, which I find very interesting because it is  a Buddhist country like Malaysia.

This is one of the clubs in Bangla Road

                             This is Bangla Road in the afternoon

2. Big Buddha

The big buddha is a landmark that is 45 meters. Ladies make sure that you are fully covered from head to toe. Make sure that your breasts are not showing and you are not wearing booty shorts, this is a place where people to go worship so you must respect it.

3. Chalong Temple

You cannot come to Thailand and not visit at least 1 temple. Chalong temple is not far away from Big buddha. It is in the same city as the Big buddha. It is very beautiful and quite different from the other temples that I have been to.

This is inside the temple

4. Bonus : Beaches

Seriously why are you going to Thailand if you have not experienced being in clear blue water?? Like I said above, there are a lot of islands and beaches especially in Phuket, you just have to plan and find out which one's you would like to visit the most.

                                       This is Patong Beach

This is Karon Beach

That is it for now my sunflowers:) Have a wonderful week ahead. REMEMBER to stay blessed, kind, honest and BEAUTIFUL.

You can follow me on the following social networking sites:
Instagram: Onthatile_Sekano
Snapchat: osekano02
Facebook: Onthatile Sekano

You can also send me an email if you have any questions at
