Saturday 29 December 2018

Prayers for 2019

Hello my sunflowers 🌻:)

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and week so far.

We have 3 days left then we in 2019!! 😱Wow wow this year has gone by very very fast. 

I wanted to dedicate this post to write down some prayers for you all as you enter your 2019.

  1. I pray for every single month of 2019. That from January to December you will not lack in anything. You will experience glory to glory. Miracle  to miracle.

  1. 2019 is the year where you will reap what you have been sowing for years! It’s the year you receive even much much more than you thought.

  1. In 2019 you will know no shame! You WILL NOT have to explain failure to ANYBODY!! You WILL NOT fail in your marriage, in your career , in your finances ,your children will not fail. If you are expecting the fruit of the womb, you will not miscarry or have any complications , you will carry your baby for the full 9 months healthy. 

  1. I pray that no deaths will happen to your family members, your friends ,church , or anyone you know. 

  1. I break the cycle of any curse that has been happening in your life or family. You will not longer be part of any curse! 

  1. I pray that you will be favored in every single thing that you do. Whatever you touch will be favored , wherever you go you will be favored. 

  1. I declare and decree whatever that was not working for you or whatever was dead in your life WILL RISE UP NOW ! And come alive ! things will start working for you

  1. I pray that God will give you double for your trouble. God will vindicate you,will present a table before you in the presence of your enemies. Those that hurt you ,looked down on you ,gossiped about you will need you.

  1. I pray that you will be the head and not the tail. 

  1. You will not suffer! 2019 is the year of your overflow!!! It is the year you have been waiting for. Eyes have not seen and ears have not heard what God is about to do for you. God will crown your year with goodness. 

I pray that you all have a wonderful new year my sunflowers. Please be safe, REMEMBER do not drink and drive. Rather stay wherever you are then having to drink drunk. 

Take care of yourselves. I love you all! Thank you to everyone who has been supporting me,sending me messages and everything 😭. I really really appreciate you all. 

2019 is going to be an amazing year ! I cannot wait. 

See you all in 2019💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

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