Tuesday 18 December 2018

New book collection

Hello my sunflowers:)

It’s a new week. Oh my oh my we are just a WEEK away from Christmas! I am sooo excited !!! But we will get to Christmas when it comes :)

Hope you are all enjoying your holidays. It’s been a long time since I mentioned a new book collection. 

So if you have been following my blog you will know that I LOVE to READ! One of the best gifts a person can ever gift me is buying me a really really good book. I can finish an entire book within 3 hours. That's how much I love to read.  I love to read are books that speak about how to better yourself ,your mind ,expanding your knowledge and etc.

So with that being said I have 2 books that I’ve read in the last quarter of 2018 and I want to share with you all.

1. The Sacred search by Gary Thomas

The first book is a book for all singles who want to get married one day.
 NO the book is not about how to get married or how to get the ring πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ hahaha lol it’s about WHY you want to get married. A lot of women want to be married and never really think about why ? And some realise that they just want to marry because they are lonely, because it’s something they are told to do. They don’t realize how important marriage it and that it has a purpose. So the book really helps you figure out your reasons for getting married. 

What I also love about the book is that it lets you think about a lot of things that people over look like choosing your partner means your choosing your child’s parent and that is a very very big deal. I don't want to have children out of wedlock and choose a bad parent for my child because in the long run it will affect my child. I want my child to experience true love from both their parents and I don't want to be the root cause of my kids acting out later in life or being involved in abusive relationships because maybe I tolerated it. So it is very important that you think about those things.

Other things to think about is money. You need to consider a partner who knows how to save money. You cannot be with someone who is constantly spending money and not saving, where will that take us in the future? 

Also the book talks about attitudes and behaviours and patterns of partners that people don’t consider, like how your partner treats other people. 

I don’t want to talk about it a lot ,but I truly do recommend you guys read it! It will change the way you enter relationships and your reasoning of being in relationships, some of you might just realise you have been tolerating nonsense and you need to leave hahaha. 

  1. Mind power by John Kehoe

This is funny because I am a psychology student and I know a lot about the mind and how powerful it is. 

This books talks about how the mind is so important especially being conscious and how what you think can lead to how you act. Even talks about how you are in control of relationships you build , businesses and how you can deal with life problems. My favorite chapter in the book is “seeing problems as opportunities “

I never ever thought about it like that ever. Imagine seeing a problem as an opportunity? That is great thinking , it will help a lot of people to stop stressing in life and being depressed. 

So I would really recommend it. At the end of the day it’s really about growing as a person and becoming a better you all the time.

That’s it for now my sunflowers :) till next time.

REMEMBER to stay blessed, kind, honest and BEAUTIFUL. 

You can follow me on the following social media networking sites:

Instagram: Onthatile_Sekano
Snapchat: osekano02
Facebook: Onthatile Sekano

You can also send me an email if you have any questions at osekano@icloud.com


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